We are pleased to share some exciting Unified Group news.

We have hired Rich Bielak to return to the group as our Director of Business Development. Rich was one of the original founding members and owners of The Unified Group; he has knowledge about the group and many years of experience in the industry. Rich will continue to run his own business, National Air Corporation, while helping The Unified Group grow and add great new members. National Air Corporation specializes in National Corporate Accounts so he knows many contractors around the US and will also be able to help the group with Business Opportunities.  

Other exciting changes are in our current staff. Janet Kelleher has been with the group for almost nine years and is our new Executive Director. Janet will be responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the organization so that we are constantly growing and providing more benefits and value to our members. She will plan the training sessions, keep up purchasing programs, and work with Rich on recruiting and business opportunities. 

Samantha (Sam) Nekola joined the group in March and is our Marketing Coordinator. Sam is responsible for all of the marketing and social media for the group as well as helping members with their marketing and website needs. Moving forward Sam will be responsible for the website, email tools, and Event app as well as helping out with the day-to-day administrative responsibilities.

Tyler Jeffrey is the COO of ACC Industries, the parent company of Air Comfort.  Tyler assists with operations and financials for The Unified Group.  He has extensive business and marketing background and will help out the group and individual members when needed.  Tyler will participate on some of our training session task forces as well as facilitate at sessions when it is the right fit.

We are very pleased to share this news with you, and we look forward to all of the exciting things ahead for The Unified Group!